Monday, July 02, 2012

Urge Your Children to Find Joy in Achievement Lately, I have been frustrated with an inability to make more of time away from work. I work six ten-hour nights sweeping, mopping and washing buses for The Mouse. If I attempt any project during my time off, like mowing the lawn, one thing leads to another until sleep has been slighted - and I must rush off to work again without adequate sleep. After a couple of those days - feeling exhausted - I make sleep a priority, only to find that I have slept the entire day away without accomplishing anything. That happened yesterday. So, today, I swam and sunned for an hour after eating breakfast. Then I went to bed. I awoke at 4 p.m. with the words from a dream on my mind: "Push your children to achieve." My politically correct consciousness then refined the thought to be, "Urge your children to find joy in achievement." I worry that Bonnie and I didn't do enough of that, and now our children seem to be wandering aimlessly through life. In fact, though I think my own parents tried harder at it than we did, I can't honestly say that finding joy in achievement has been a maxim of my own life.

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