Friday, February 18, 2011
The Scott Brand of Transparency
Deja vu washed over me when I learned that Gov. Rick Scott would unveil his new budget for Florida to a gathering of Tea Party supporters in Eustis last week.
It was a trick presidential candidate George W. Bush employed to make his speeches appear universally well received. His handlers continued to hand-pick audiences even after Bush was elected president, going so far as to bar attendees because they had unfavorable bumper stickers on their cars parked blocks away from the appearance.
The Tea Party venue should have been a sure sign to Floridians that they wouldn't like what Scott had to say. I can't deny having had a twinge that they deserved whatever bad news it was. Floridians did, after all, vote him into office by a strong majority despite ample warnings.
Of course the Scott campaign had countered those warnings with promises of transparency and - most of all - jobs.
Oh yes, "Let's get to work!" The slogan was effective though details were short on how he was going to add 700,000 jobs in seven years. Details have been even more elusive since Scott occupied the governor's office. Campaign promises to operate Florida like a business have proved that his meaning was that meetings would be held behind closed doors, in contempt of Sunshine Laws which require open forum for state business, and hand-picking reporters when media finally is allowed inside the veil.
Scott's out-of-hand rejection of high-speed rail this week has motivated others to comment on the pattern. Beth Kassab, Orlando Sentinel business columnist observed: "Most governors unveil their budget proposals in Tallahassee where the serious business of negotiating the state's budget plays out, but Scott turned his spending cuts into a Tea Party pep rally in Eustis last week.
"Scott used Fox News to tout his budget. On Thursday, he appeared again on Fox to talk about his refusal to accept federal money for the high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa..."
A coward addresses only audiences he thinks will applaud his actions and then calls it transparency.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Rick Scott Ignored Rail's Facts
On Wednesday our governor decided to cancel high-speed rail to save tax dollars and concentrate on putting people to work in other ways.
This man just doesn't get it. Now single-handedly, he has denied future generations of Floridians and visitors the opportunity to ride on a world-class transportation system that would have created thousands of jobs just when we need them the most. And we had the federal government and private sector willing to make it happen for us.
Let's review Florida's circumstance: In 1956, when the interstate highway system began, we started paying federal gas tax. Since then, Florida has been a donor state, paying $5 billion more to the federal government than we received back for highways and mass transit.
This money was sent to other states, producing millions of jobs and numerous highway and transit projects for others — not us.
By federal law, up to 20 percent of gas taxes we pay the federal government must go to transit. It can't be used for roads. We haven't come close to our 100 percent share back on either account — roads or transit. Florida was positioned to receive some of its own money back in a mammoth way — federal funding of close to $3 billion toward high-speed rail.
This is a no brainer: It would have been our money coming back to us to nearly completely fund this large infrastructure project connecting Orlando to Tampa. Our governor has concocted bogus statements as he canceled the project before Floridians could hear from credible ridership studies revealing the facts for a system between Tampa and Orlando.
Our new governor should proceed with the private-sector proposals for the system's guaranteed maximum price to build, operate and manage the system for the state. Private companies have already said they would guarantee costs (so no state risk in overruns), and they would be willing to make up the funds not coming from the federal government to pay capital.
Only in that way can Scott be authentic in assessing if this system makes sense to accept the full federal money (our money after all) to achieve the fully integrated transportation system that we have planned for over 30 years.
Without credible ridership results and allowing private bids to arrive, which would have showed the private sector would have completed the funding for our system — our governor has denied Floridians the facts. How sad for future generations.
I Couldn't Have Said It Better: Clueless Scott
He's Responsible, If Not Guilty
In writing about Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Tribune reporter Mark Magnier wrote, "Although Singh's personal integrity is generally considered above suspicion, his oversight role has come under growing scrutiny."
The observation came amid controversy about "a rash of alleged irregularities connected to sports, telecommunications and real estate deals, potentially involving tens of billions of dollars" in India.
These revelations and observations coincided with my decision to speak out about Governor Rick Scott's revelation of his decision to kill high speed rail in Florida. In reaction to the February 16 announcement, I posted on Facebook: "Apparently Florida Gov. Rick Scott only takes federal money if he can do it fraudulently. Rue the day, Floridians."
I point out that this was only his revelation moment because of my conviction that Scott had actually made the kill decision long before the announcement - perhaps even before his election to governor. I don't pretend to have insight into his motivations except that, based on what I have learned of Scott, I'm fairly certain that the kill decision is motivated by personal gain.
It is no secret that I dislike and distrust the former beneficiary of Columbia/HCA Medicare fraud which netted the company a multi-million dollar fine - the largest in U.S. history - but no criminal prosecution of its captain. Scott has always maintained that he knew nothing of the criminal activities of his company, which brings me back to the parallels with Magnier's reporting of the Singh story.
"If he didn't know about the alleged irregularities going on around him, his leadership should be called into question, and if he knew, he should have halted them."
Scott is no Singh. Unlike Singh, we can't say that Scott's personal integrity is considered above suspicion. Which is the basis for my contention that putting Scott in the governor's office is equivilent to tasking the fox with guarding the hen house.
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Social Media Revolutions.
From the U.S., we watched the news on CNN and MSNBC, spellbound by the video images. We read detailed accounts online and in the newspaper, grasping for accurate details. Even today -- before I learned of Mubarak's resignation -- beginning my morning ritual, I flicked the remote control button to have the TV news in the background while scanning the newspaper. And there it was: the disconnect between the immediacy of electronic media and the lag with the more comfortable printed media. As sounds and sights of jubilation in the streets of Cairo lept from the screen, my newspaper's headlines delivered disappointing headlines, "Defiant Mubarak Refuses to Quit."
As CNN's Wolf Blitzer observed that Mubarak has finally acquiesced to the revolution and handed over leadership to the millitary, Blitzer attributed the uprising to "cable TV news and the Internet." It caught my attention as being rather solicitous of the significance of cable news because I was aware of the apparent roles of reviled Julian Assange's WikiLeaks in exposing corruption in the governments of the revolting nations combined with democratic exchanges and organization through social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, prompting Mubarak's government to shut down Egypt's Internet service providers. Along with the rest of the world, I had observed the concern over detained Google executive Wael Ghonim, and then the relief and his rock star reception as he was released and he bravely returned to join his friends in Tahrir Square. But I hadn't been aware of the significance of cable TV news directly to the revolution.
Yes, cable TV news had been significant to me as an observer, and likely to other outsiders who actually could lend significant voice in pressuring the Mubarak regime to step down, but not to the Egyptians in rebellion. I had felt my heart swell in pride and support as CNN's Anderson Cooper made an impassioned call for Mubarak to stop lying to his people and the world about his history and intentions and resign immediately, even as U.S. President Barak Obama hesitated to take a firm stand against the long-time ally.
The telling sound byte came moments later as Blitzer interviewed a jubilant Ghonim, "First Tunisia, now Egypt, what's next? " asked Blitzer.
Google's Ghonim blurted, "Ask Facebook!"
An incredulous Blitzer pressed, "You're giving Facebook a lot of credit for this?"
"Yes. I want to meet [Facebook founder] Mark Zuckerberg one day and thank him, actually," Ghonim enthused.
So, there you have it -- The Social Media Revolutions. Facebook and Twitter, hand-in-hand with WikiLeaks and Google.
Viva la Egypt! Viva la Tunisia! Viva la freedom!
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Reaching Out
Our relationships are so tenuous. We are survivors of a terrible shipwreck, bobbing on the swells of life. We call out, hoping to find others and help them pull through; perhaps to tend to their wounds in some way. Is it unrealistic to think that we can reach out to survivors and grab on so that they don't drift away completely? I hope not.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Overdrugged: Higher Than "Normal" Pharmaceutical Use.
Americans don't realize how excessive their reliance on drugs has grown. In the
Is it then any surprise that drug abuse is so rampant in a nation where drugs are so common and readily available?
Is it possible that our high cost of health care is at least partially linked to maintaining such a plentiful pharmaceutical infrastructure? Probably no one would dispute that the infrastructure of high-technology medicine is largely responsible for runaway costs of healthcare.
Physicians are thoroughly indoctrinated in prescribing drugs. There is so much that could be done with nutrition, yet very little focus is given to nutritional training in medical school. Results from drugs are more dramatic for an impatient society, and profits are easier from patented pharmaceuticals.
Now evidences of pharma kickbacks have made the news. Reports have surfaced about the direct correlation between fees paid by the pharmaceutical industry to physicians and the drugs and procedures the physicians most prescribe.
A Nation of Missionaries
Over the past decade, speculation has grown that the United States is loosing it's industrial and technological edge on the developing world. Recent statistics bare the reality that those speculations were well founded and the fulcrum has already tilted against us.
While attempting to invision a United States without even a technological or intellectual advantage, it suddenly occurred to me that perhaps our best bet is to become a nation of missionaries -- carrying to the world our message of capitalism and freedom. I'm not sure that we have a gospel that other countries don't emulate better than the preacher. But then I guess that's probably true of any given church: there are members that are brighter-shining examples of the church's doctrines than the person who propounds from the pulpit.
Britain has skated through the past century or so on a similar basis. Can it be said that it has been successful? Considering that Britain had far fewer resources to start with than the U.S., my opinion is that we should fare even better in the role. The one thing that Britain has going for it that we do not is self discipline.